So I live in Chicago...and the cupcakes places here well.....they are just ok. I had the pleasure of having experienced Sprinkles cupcakes while I was in LA last year and I thought their cupcakes were very yummy. And yes I don't even dare to think these cupcakes are in any way low fat but they sure are delicious! When I heard Sprinkles was coming to Chicago, I was super excited! So of course I went on opening day!

I got two red velvets (one for my roommate) and carrot and vanilla cupcake. I normally don't get red velvet but apparently they are known for their red velvet. It was just as amazing as I remember! The cake was moist and not overly dense, yet maintained some fluffiness. The icing, while definitely tasted decadent and rich, was not overwhelming nor did it just taste like pure sugar...you know how some cupcake icing tastes like chalk? I think I went into sugar shock though after eating one of these cupcakes, but I was definitely eying at my second cupcake and was wondering if I should go ahead and eat that one right away. Luckily my will power was able to make it until the next morning, when I ate my carrot cupcake as my mid-morning snack.
Sorry no healthiness here, except I would like to think that excellent cupcakes are good for the soul!
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